Lleva Café Claret | Conoce el plan padrino

Who are we?


We are a non-profit Social Institution, where we offer therapeutic-pedagogical accompaniment to children, adolescents and adults affected by marginalization, violence, psychoactive substances consumption and/or drug abuse, adolescents and adults affected by marginalization, violence, consumption of psychoactive substances and/or behavioral behavioral problems, in order to favor their social inclusion, the reestablishment of their rights and the construction of a life project. life project. Additionally, we offer training and welfare services for the community in general..

Master Principle of Hogares Claret Foundation

It deals with the decisive incorporation of families and other affective links of the user to his therapeutic process, starting from the theoretical and practical understanding of the complex issue of the family in its systemic composition and social evolution.
An experimental science and technique to develop the full potential of each user and trainer in the processes of education and re-education, taking advantage of all the potential and the ancestral historical development of the oriental school of the master Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.
It is the incorporation into the Therapeutic Community of the integral, progressive and permanent training system for boys, girls and young people, which constitute the essence and history of the World Organization of the Scout Movement, active today in many countries through national organizations.
It is an educational proposal that aims to raise awareness, formation and experience of the values that give meaning and orientation to human existence, for the foundation and realization of a life project that leads to maturity and personal self-control.


To accompany children, adolescents and adults affected by marginalization, psychoactive substance abuse, violence or behavioral problems, to find the meaning of their lives, in a perspective of restoration of their rights and inclusion in the different spheres of society.


To be recognized for our national and international leadership and for the quality of our services, the result of competent human talent committed to offering a loving and effective response to children, adolescents and adults affected by marginalization, violence, psychoactive substance abuse or behavioral problems, accompanying them in the construction of a new life project.


Over the course of 40 years, programs have been developed for people who, due to their marginalized situation, violence or psychoactive substance use, seek to change their lifestyle and undergo a total transformation.


Hogares Claret is founded, from then on and responding to the most urgent, timely and effective needs, the Foundation opens care centers in different cities of Colombia.


El P. Gabriel learned about the experiences of Integrity House, Daytop Village and Walden House in the USA, where treatments were developed through the therapeutic community.

Together with his Claretian brothers, José Fernando Tobón and Luis Fernando Vargas, they got to know the CREA Homes of the Dominican Republic in the city of Barranquilla, with whom they established contact.


P. Gabriel spent 6 months at CEIS deepening his knowledge of the intervention methodology.


Founder Father Gabriel Antonio Mejía, learned about the experience of the Italian Solidarity Center CEIS, directed by Father Mario Picchi, who invited him to learn about the methodology implemented for the treatment of people affected by drug addiction.